Of Miracles and Dreams

So miracles do happen and dreams do come true!

During the good Friday weekend while I was enjoying myself in Malaysia stuck in traffic jams and waiting for buses, the holy paycheck was credited into my bank account! I guess I got saved from eating grass all the way till May 12.

It feels really good to know that I can finally contribute, no doubt in a small way, to the family. After so many years of dependency on others, its good to know that I can finally be depended on.

Work had been generally good so far, although sometimes I do see similarities to the corporate world in my field. Work gets pushed away to somebody more junior and things like that. But that aside, some students really make my day. At the end of the day, seeing some naughty students change for the better can be really satisfying.

Oh. One more thing about me realising one of my long time dream. Ladies and Gentlemen, hold and behold! The Delonghi EC155 Espresso Maker!


I’m a sucker for coffee, like really. And so, it is only logical for me to become a barista myself! HAHA! This entry level espresso maker is quite adequate for my needs right now and is keeping me occupied every night! Goodbye Coffeebean! Hello Jiataobean!

So drop over for some coffee sometimes, ya’ hear? Woohoo!

PS: Recent outings with the Girlfriend were rather meaningful and enjoyable. Please visit her blog for more details. =)

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