Posts in Category: Just for Laughs

ORD Biscuit

Some biscuits not any Tom, Dick or Harry can Cialis Online buy eat one.

Only ORDing personnel can. HAHA

The Human Touch

Hmm, this form of Human Touch is kinda disturbing. What do you think?

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Scary huh? lol.

For Len

Dear readers of, if one of you happen to have a friend or seen someone of this type around you, please inform me as soon as possible because my fellow GA buddy Len Chan Yong Hao (a very eligible bachelor) is looking for a soulmate who falls into this kind of category.

The chio, wild and attitude attitude kinda girl.
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Now Len, you see that I’m really putting in an effort. lol.

Seedless Grapes

Have you ever bitten into a big juicy grape only to realise that you have bitten onto the seeds as well? Isn’t that feeling irritating? You pick up the big juicy grape expecting it to be sweet, Buy Generic Cialis Online fresh and delicious and at the very moment you bite into it, you hear the sound of the seeds crushing against your teeth. I don’t know about you, but I will start to filter out the many fragments of the seeds in my mouth and spit it out.

Luckily, some scientists/farmers apparently have the same problem and kinda found the way to grow grapes that are seedless for those easily irritated people like me. lol.

They came up with the seeds of the seedless grape plant and gave it to farmers to plant it. So the farmers planted the plant and I get seedless grapes to eat. Then I began to wonder while chewing on my seedless juicy grape – If the grape plant produces grapes with no seed, how in the first place can there be the seed to plant it?

So this question led me to another question. Which came first? The chicken or the egg? Hmm, exactly like my question – The plant or the seed? SOMEBODY TELL ME!! HAHAHA.

OK, I’m just talking nonsense. You never see the category meh? “Just for Laughs” ma.. Now please laugh while I go ponder over my question.

*hmm.. seedless plant where to find seed leh? then no seed where can plant? wah lan~~~~~~~

Flip Flap

I just bought a Flip Flap from Propecia buy Action City to put on my computer table.

Flip Flap from Tomy

It is so stupid! Flapping up and down aimlessly, so dumb that it’s so funny to look at. I find it very good to relieve stress. lol. Highly recommended for all work desks although it’s abit expensive ($30 for a stupid thing like that!) because it brings some artificial life to your working environment! And you don’t have to give a damn about it because it needs neither care nor water.

Get your very own Flip Flap today!

Petrol Prices Rocket!

With petrol prices reaching 2 freaking Generic pills whithout prescription dollars per litre, I seriously think that pple will soon sell off all their cars and adopt another mode of transport. I am so glad i foreseen this situation and bought a bicycle just before the price start to soar when demand is more than the supply. When the demand for bicycles is at an all time high at around $70,000 per bicycle with COE-B (Certificate of Entitlement of Bicycle), I will gladly sell off my bike and go get a car. Whaha, if and only if my prediction comes true.

To Chee Boon

Bro Chee Boon, know you for so long, only recently then saw your pic with your brother. One look is enough to tell that you all are brothers man! I could hardly believe it! LOOK!

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